Partner of the project

PIN S.c.r.l. Didactic and scientific services for the University of Florence
The “Città di Prato” University Polo is an innovative tool in the relationship between university knowledge and local economic fabric. Where the knowledge of the University of Florence enters into symbiosis with the doing, the Tuscan entrepreneurial vocation, to give rise to stimuli, researches, exchanges, new and important cultural resources. The applied research activity at the Pole School is carried out through the research of 17 university laboratories operating in a number of production and specialized areas for diverse thematic competencies. References to the project: Prof. Ing. Andrea Corti, Ing. Lidia Lombardi
Spa Facilities Services Center
CSAI (Centro Servizi Ambiente Impianti S.p.A.) is a public-private company in the province of Arezzo, which operates in the integrated waste cycle and in the production of electricity from renewable sources. It provides for the recovery of biogas produced by the degradation of organic waste. Biogas, as a renewable source, is used to produce electricity, which ceded to the grid satisfies the average annual needs of more than 8,500 households.
Emitting gaseous gases is one of the major environmental impacts on landfills. For this reason CSAI wanted Podere Rota to become an applied laboratory of studies and research for the national and international scientific community.
Eurobusiness Toscana Srl financial services & Innovation.
EUROBUSINESS TUSCANY S.r.l. Is a company consulting firm that operates in the management of funding and facilities provided for by current Community, national and regional regulations. Eurobusiness Toscana supports its customers at every stage of the design process, with particular attention to the design, coordination and supervision of the project management system. It carries out verification of the achievement of objectives, coordinates project meetings and provides assistance for the reporting and dissemination phases.